Testing! Testing! 1-2-3!

So I did it. I actually did it!
My personal BLOG (www.sleeplesswalrus.blogspot.com) is for my life.
My show BLOG (www.jayeshow.blogspot.com) in for my theatre.
And now a BLOG just for my TRIVIA!
Have fun and good luck!


HOLLYWOOD hates New York!!!

Duh! I think we have all noticed that usually whenever one of those big budget disaster flicks comes out and Hollywood decides to wipe out a city, who is their whipping boy? NEW YORK.
Help me out here. When you read this bulletin add your name and the title of a movie in which New York is distroyed, torn apart, wiped out, wrecked or other major damage done to the Big Apple.

I will start...
(I posted this on MySpace as a Bulletin. As I get more responces over there I will add them to this post.)

Jaye-----GODZILLA (remake)
Veg------Friday the 13th part VIII, Jason Takes Manhattan
Lori------The Day After Tomorrow
Jea9-----Planet of the Apes


At Friday, October 06, 2006 12:13:00 PM, Blogger Remlelation said...

John- Day After Tomorrow
John- Escape From New York


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