Testing! Testing! 1-2-3!

So I did it. I actually did it!
My personal BLOG (www.sleeplesswalrus.blogspot.com) is for my life.
My show BLOG (www.jayeshow.blogspot.com) in for my theatre.
And now a BLOG just for my TRIVIA!
Have fun and good luck!


Way to go ELMER and ditto to Rogue Monkey

Remlelation won the LYRICS QUIZ #3 with only missing FOUR of the 20 lyrics...damn good job man!
Easily Rogue Monkey won the Horror Movie Quiz being he answered the most questions...of course he got some wrong but we won't hold that against him. I will just tell him which ones on Christmas Eve in the Park!
More Quizes to come...hopefully people will start posting again after the holidays so I can get more answers on here...maybe no more LYRICS quizzes for a while...what do you think?