Horror Marathon Quiz!
2 point questions!
1. Who played the female lead in NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET?
2. Who played the female lead in THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT?
3. On what TV show did The Creature From The Black Lagoon cameo as a character named “Uncle Gil”?
4. Who designed the Alien in ALIEN?
5. What year was THE EXORCIST released?
6. George Clooney and Quentin Tarentino were the “BLANK” brothers in FROM DUSK TIL DAWN?
7. What actor appeared in both the original DAWN OF THE DEAD and 2005’s LAND OF THE DEAD?
8. What was the original tagline for John Carpenter’s THE THING?
9. In what year was the original CARNIVAL OF SOULS released?
10. On what TV show does an actress who co-starred in RESIDENT EVIL appear?
11. What is written on the church wall in 28 DAYS LATER?
12. What was used for blood in PSYCHO?
13. What was used for blood in THE EVIL DEAD?
14. What children’s movie did M. Night Shamalyan write the screenplay for?
15. What do Norman Bates and Leatherface have in common?
16. In what sequel does Jason get his trademark Hockey mask?
17. Where is the real “Crystal Lake”?
18. What HALLOWEEN movie did Micheal Meyers not appear in?
19. What 2 strange weapons does the female lead use against the “killer” in RED EYE?
20. What is hailed as the first vampire movie?
21. What was the theme from THE EXORCIST called?
22. Who was the killer in the original FRIDAY THE 13TH?
23. According to Fangora magazine, who are “The Big 3 of classic cinema”?
24. According to Fangora magazine, who are “The Big 3 of the modern age”?
25. Who directed SWAMP THING?
26. What movie had the tagline “Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water”?
27. What is the name of Pinhead’s minions?
28. What movie character scared Stephen King the most?
29. According to new evidence, what more than likely was the cause of Edgar Allen Poe’s death?
30. What song is repeated in Dean Koontz’s PHANTOMS?
31. What song is repeated in FALLEN?
32. What famous director did DEAD ALIVE?
33. What does the remake of DAWN OF THE DEAD and HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES have in common?
34. What time is the demonic hour according to THE EXORCISM OF EMILY ROSE?
35. What are the names of parts 4 and 5 of RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD?
10 point question!
What was Pinhead’s name before he became Pinhead?
5 point questions! All about JAYE
1. According to Jaye, what is the worst horror flick ever made?
2. According to Jaye, what is the best horror film of all time?
3. What Disney movie scared Jaye as a child?
4. At what age did Jaye watch THE BLOB that spawned his lifelong fear of Jell-O?
5. What movie has Jaye’s least favorite “tit-shot”?
6. What jingle did Jaye sing in the theater while he was watching I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER?
7. What “rule” from GREMLINS did Jaye’s family adopt as a “rule” for him as a child?
8. What anniversary is this for the Marathon?
9. What STAR TREK II scene has been referenced in 3 of Jaye’s scripts?
10. Besides this year, name 2 of Jaye’s previous Halloween